Sorting out your knee pain

Had a question come in on facebook yesterday


It was from Mitchell, and he wanted to know if there was anything in our Inner Circle that could help with his knee pain


This is what he asked




Hey mate,


Just scrolling through your pictures and saw a photo of the pain and rehab section of the membership site.


I currently have Patella Tendonitis in both knees, would you mind, explaining what sort of stuff you have to offer in the knee section, being looking at becoming a member for a few days now








Good question mate


First up having patella tendonitis sends up a big red flag for me


It is saying that something isn’t working right


Like if the tracking is off in your car, and the inside of the tyre is wearing away, you need to go back and fix the tracking


If you just replace the tyre then the same issue will occur


Its like going in on the knee, getting some short term relief from the pain but the driving force behind why the injury is happening hasn’t been addressed


In the inner circle we have got a loft of soft tissue drills which can help the area, but the key thing is being able to have dialogue and send some videos in which then we can assess and put you on the path to fixing the issue


A lot of the time with knees you can look to the trunk and glutes to see the issues


The trunk and core not working, the glutes not doing their job, and the hip flexors being overburdened and pulling the pelvis out


The quads get tights as hell and end up pulling on the tendons until the tendonitis appears, and then stairs become your worst enemy


It can be a pretty simple thing to fix


Follow the clues, do the work and you get there


For this help then come and join us in the Inner Circle Here


Think differently




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